European Program for Development Evaluation Training 2014 foregår 31. aug – 5. sep. i Čilistov, Slovakia. Arrangører er Slovak Evaluation Society (SES) and Development og Worldwide (DWW).
Dette er et lengre kurs basert på en populær sommerskole, IPDET (, som arrangeres årlig av Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. EPDET 2014 anbefales for evaluatorer og ledere for utviklingsprosjekter og -programmer.
Ray C. Rist
Creator and co-director of International Program for Development Evaluation (IPDET) and current president of IDEAS. Retired from the Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank, Dr. Rist continues advising many national and international organizations, including The World Bank, OECD, DFID, IADB, and a range of corporations, House and Senate committees in the United States.
Linda G. Morra Imas
Creator and co-director of IPDET – the standard against which other programs benchmark. She has more than 30 years of experience in designing, conducting, and managing policy, program and project evaluations, both nationally and internationally. Recently retired as chief evaluation officer and advisor, evaluation capacity development, from the Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank Group.
Mer info og fullt program: [download id=»318″]
EPDET skjer 31. aug – 5. sep. 2014. Påmeldingsfrist 30. mai